Language schools in Spain are subject to Spanish (and European Union) legislation but not British legislation.
The general rights and obligations of all employees in Spain are outlined in specific legislation called El Estatuto General de Trabajadores (The General Law for Workers). A copy of this document (in Spanish) is available here.
More specific details about the working conditions applicable to employees in each sector are spelt out in individual agreements called ‘convenios’. The individual convenio (agreement) for our sector (teachers in private schools) outlines rates of pay, conditions, rights, privileges and obligations which affect you.
This agreement (convenio) is negotiated periodically by employers’ and teachers’ representatives. Private language schools are represented by FECEI, the National Federation of Language Schools in Spain and teachers are represented by FETE, CC.OO., and UGT, the relevant unions.
Language Schools which are members of FECEI (the National Federation of Language Schools in Spain), are committed to complying with this agreement, as well as all other relevant labour legislation. You can download the current agreement here. (Pay scales are on page 33)
While the general agreement (convenio) is renegotiated every time it expires, pay scales (for calendar years) are revised annually.
The third document affecting your conditions of employment is the contract you sign with your employer. In order to ensure absolute compliance with relevant legislation on the part of employers, the Spanish Government insists that these contracts be issued by the National Employment Institute in Spain (called INEM).