CertPT (YLs & VYLs) July 2023 Timetable

Below you will find more detailed information about our intensive CertPT (Young Learners & Very Young Learners) course which will be held from 3rd July, 2023 to 21st July, 2023.

Timetable (July 2023)

Click on the arrows below to see full details of the schedule for each day of the course, including the options for taking part in the daily video conferences.

Day 1: Monday 3rd July, 2023

Day 2: Tuesday 4th July, 2023

Day 3: Wednesday 5th July, 2023

Day 4: Thursday 6th July, 2023

Day 5: Friday 7th July, 2023

Day 6: Monday 10th July, 2023

Day 7: Tuesday 11th July, 2023

Day 8: Wednesday 12th July, 2023

Day 9: Thursday 13th July, 2023

Day 10: Friday 14th July, 2023

Day 11: Monday 17th July, 2023

Day 12: Tuesday 18th July, 2023

Day 13: Wednesday 19th July, 2023

Day 14: Thursday 20th July, 2023

Day 15: Friday 21st July, 2023

Deadline for Final Assignment: Friday 28th July, 2023

Video Presentation


CertPT Factsheet
CertPT YLs & VYLs (Spainwise Leaflet)
CertPT (Magazine Article)

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